Local Organizing and Scientific Committees

Lady Catherine Cantor Cutiva

Chair of AQL 2021



Lady Catherine Cantor Cutiva is a professor at Universidad Nacional de Colombia and at Universidad Manuela Beltrán (Bogotá, Colombia). She has a postdoc in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Michigan State University, her doctorate degree is in Health Sciences from Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam. She was the recipient of the National award to Research Trajectory Luis H. Ramírez Collazos at the Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana in its version 2020.



Luisa Fernanda Ángel Gordillo

Co-chair of AQL 2021



Luisa Fernada is Fonoaudiologa (aka speech language pathologist) from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She also has a Master´s degree in disability and social inclusión from the same University. She worked at the Foundation for the deaf child (ICAL), at the National University Hospital (HUN) and currently she is a professor and coordinator of the Department of Human Communication at Universidad Nacional de Colombia.



Hédrick Yoseft Robles Vega

Co-chair of AQL 2021 



Hédrick Yoseft Robles Vega is Biomedical Engineer with a clinical engineering specialization and a master on biomedical engineering at the National University of Entre Ríos. Currently, he is the Chief of the Program of Biomedical Engineering at Universidad Simón Bolívar University (Barranquilla, Colombia), and "Account Executive" of ITC Biomedical company.



Elisa Landázuri Cocinero

 Co-chair of AQL 2021



Elisa Landázuri is a speech language pathologist from the Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana, Bogotá, with a master’s in education from Universidad Externado de Colombia. Currently she is the Chief of the Department of Speech-Language Patholology at the Manuela Beltrán University, Bogotá. 



Pasquale Bottalico

Scientific Committee




Pasquale Bottalico is and Assistant  professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He earned his PhD in Metrology, studying acoustics with particular attention to the uncertainty of measurements and the techniques of the professional talkers and singers. Prof. Bottalico is also a professional singer, and has performed with prestigious directors such as Rafael Frühbeck De Burgos and Yuri Ahronovitch.



Maryam Naghibolhosseini

Scientific Committee



Maryam Naghibolhosseini is an Assistant Professor in the department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders and the director of Analysis of Voice and Hearing Laboratory (AVAH Lab) in Michigan State University. She employs computational mathematics to perform biomechanical modeling of voice production and human auditory system. She obtained her PhD from the Department of Speech Language-Hearing Sciences at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. She was the recipient of the 2020 Early Career Contributions in Research (ECCR) Award of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).



Russell Banks

Scientific Committee



Russell Banks is a postdoc at Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston MA, USA) studying the effect of brain injury on motor control and the potential use of neuromodulation (TMS and tDCS) to rehabilitate speech and language. He got his Bachelor of Science from the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences at the National Center for Voice and Speech in Salt Lake City, Utah.  



Carlos Alberto Calvache

Scientific Committee



Carlos Calvache is a Colombian SLP, Vocologist of Universidad de Chile, and M.Sc. in Communication - Education of Universidad Distrital Francisco de Paula Santander. Currently is Ph.D. Student in Applied Sciences Engineering of Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. He has worked as an undergraduate and postgraduate professor in SPL and Communication programs in Colombia and other countries of Latin America. Carlos is the Founder and Director of Vocology Center®, the first center of vocology in Colombia and Latin America.
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